

This term was coined by social scientist Judy Singer. It refers to the diversity that is found in human brains and minds. It takes from the concept of biodiversity. Just like there are diverse flora and fauna in the natural world, similarly diverse brains make up the human species.

This term goes a long way in normalizing different kinds of brains as healthy and natural.


Neurodivergent very simply refers to a brain that diverges from expected social scripts. By extension, a neurodivergent person is someone whose mind functions in a way that is different from prevalent social norms.

The term was coined by autism rights activist, Kassiane A. Asasumasu and gave individuals, who were ‘diagnosed’ under the medical model, an identity to claim.


To understand this word, we must make a detour to the medical model of psychiatry, which assumes certain brains and their cognition processes as ‘normal’ or ‘typical’.

So, a neurotypical person is someone whose brain, including their functioning and behaviour is working as per societal standards. So neurotypical stands at the opposite end of the spectrum from neurodivergent.


Neuronormativity is a socio-cultural conditioning, which prescribes a certain kind of brain type, behaviour and cognition and communication processes as the ideal way to be.

Neuronormativity is a structural barrier that leads to harmful stereotypes about neurodivergent people. It leads to guilt and shame when they try to communicate their needs or access support.


The term neurominority refers to a certain minority group when it comes to brain cognition and behaviourial and communication patterns. It includes the neurodivergent identity. Neurominority groups fall outside the purview of neurotypical people.

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