Shelter Homes For Transpersons

Garima Greh: Shelter Homes For Transpersons


There is an evident necessity to rehabilitate and rescue transpersons from the evils society has inflicted on this community. To guard the rights of Transpersons and protect the welfare of the community, there is a prime need to establish Garima Grehs (Shelter Homes) for the Transgender community. 

Section 8(4) of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 states that the ‘appropriate Government’ shall take measures for the rescue, security, and restoration of transgender persons to handle the needs of such persons.  

The institution of Garima Greh will also align with the provision laid down under Section 12(3) of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 which states that whether any parent or a member of his/her/their immediate family is unfit to take supervision of a transgender person, the competent court shall by an order direct such person to be placed in the rehabilitation center. Garima Grehs will not only ensure that the community has access to a safe and secure environment but will also go a long way in the empowerment of transgenders. 

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment have taken out guidelines for Garima Greh. Below is the summary of the same. 


The broader objectives are given below: 

1) To provide shelter with essential niceties such as food, garments, amusement, medical facilities, and counseling 

2) To defend the rights of Transpersons 

3) To ascertain the prevalence of pleasant surroundings in the Garima Greh by embracing uniform appropriate rules and regulations 

4) To empower a Transperson via skill-development and skill up-gradation agendas to conduct a decent and noble life and guard them from dreadfulness and social stigma. 


Following are the eligibility criteria of a Transgender Person as a resident of Garima Greh: 

  • Transpersons certified issued through National Portal for Transgender Persons and preferably living below the poverty line. Persons having such certificates from elsewhere may be persuaded to register on the National Portal. 
  • Transpersons who are abandoned, aged above 18 years and below 60 years 
  • Transpersons should not be occupied in sex work and beggary 
  • Transpersons must be unemployed and not engaged in productive commercial 

Structural Standards  

  • The Garima Greh should be located in a reasonably quiet and residential locality so that there are no unscrupulous elements to disturb the residents. 
  • The Garima Greh should be well protected with security and CC TV cameras. 
  • Name of the Garima Greh with complete address, and the scheme supporting should be displayed prominently in front of the Garima Greh. 
  • Space Requirements: The Garima Greh shall, as far as possible, have a minimum area for residents. 

Kitchen With Attached Storeroom 

  • The kitchen must have a minimum of two gas cylinders-attached stoves and suitable arrangements for keeping cooked food. 
  • There must be different size of containers for storing food grains and should be labeled. 
  • The storeroom needs to be located near the kitchen 
  • Suitable refrigeration provision for perishable food items 
  • Safe drinking water and required water for other purposes to be provided. Hot water may be provided depending on individual needs for drinking and washing purposes. 


In addition to the above facilities, the following amenities should also be provided. 

  • Emergency lamps with generator facilities 
  • Fans in each room 
  • Television/Radio in common hall/area 
  • Telephone facilities may be arranged 
  • Laundry facilities should be available as per need 
  • Geysers for hot water for bathing 
  • Each person should be provided a storage facility for personal belongings 
  • A Basic Welcome kit for all fellows which includes – Soap, towel, comb, hair oil, toothbrush, paste, slippers. 
  • In dormitories, to secure some privacy, sectioning for each bed can be done –with movable panels /curtains 
  • Facilities should be compliant with the Disabilities Act (wherever required). 


  • Food: Three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and two tea/coffee should be provided at the Garima Greh. 
  • Recreational Facilities: Recreational facilities such as indoor games, radio/transistors, television, etc. should be available in the dormitory. Activities should be designed for the interaction between the residents. (Volunteers from schools and colleges from a locality can be asked to organize such activities). 
  • Productive Activities: They should be involved in the activities of the greh like cooking, gardening, maintaining records, maintaining inventory, laundry-in/out, etc. To build self-confidence and self-sufficiency. 
  • Social activity day: Monthly or bi-monthly, a social activity day should be organized at greh which involve members of the Greh and residents/students/ elderly, etc. for integration them to the society. On these days they could exhibit and share their skills with residents. 
  • Meditation, Yoga, and Physical activity: The residents should be regularly engaged in meditation, yoga, and bodily activities for better physical and mental fitness. 
  • Library facilities: Sufficient books, magazines, and newspapers (national dailies as well as newspapers in Local languages) should be available for the residents. 
  • Legal support: Bridge course coordinator should correspond with the Legal Aid Support System (National Legal Services Authority) 
  • Employment and skill-building support: Bridge course coordinator will be responsible for skill-building and nurturing the talent of the residents, and work towards their financial independence. The Bridge course coordinator shall be responsible for establishing collaboration with skill development agencies, Govt. and Non-Govt. organization for convergence of efforts of other institutes. For that data bank of institutions providing skills should be maintained. 
  • Procurement of ID cards: If Transpersons don’t have IDs, the Primary Monitoring Committee (PMU) headed by District Magistrate (DM) or equivalent may certify such Transpersons  for admission in the Garima Greh and assist them in getting IDs, Aadhar, PAN, Ration card, passport, etc. 

Health And Medical Facility 

The following activities are expected to be done by the management of the Garima Greh. 

  • Brief medical case history of the residents should be maintained by filling the appropriate columns of the Transgender Admission Form for Garima Greh. 
  • Doctor visits and medical check-ups are to be guaranteed at least twice a week with satisfactory medical equipment. 
  • First Aid Box including dressing materials, antiseptic and antifungal solutions, cotton, medicines for fever, cough, cold, diarrhea, headache, some medical devices like the thermometer, BP apparatus, weighing scale, etc., and stock of medicines need to be maintained.  


  • CCTV Cameras should be installed in all common rooms of the Garima Greh. 
  • Visitors should only be allowed in the office area/reception or a special visitor’s room with a CCTV camera 
  • Three watchmen need to be appointed for working three shifts to ensure the safety and security of the Garima Greh 
  • Residents’ entry and exit timings need to be documented at the entry gate in a register with the residents’ signature 
  • Qualification of watchmen may be fixed as matriculation. 


In order to ensure effective rehabilitation of residents of the Garima Greh and achieve the core objective: 

  • The Project Director and team is supposed to work very effectively by the way of implementing the scheme and converging the existing programs for quick rehabilitation of residents  
  • Residents may be allowed to stay for a maximum of one year in the Garima Greh.  
  • It is expected that residents of the Garima Greh will be equipped with the necessary skills and become self-reliant to lead a dignified and decent life.  Garima Greh should not be used as a transit house. 
  • The Greh facility cannot be used for any Commercial activities like- sublet for functions, etc. 
  • Garima Greh should be trans-friendly, and ambiance must be motivational to residents 

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